Trained through Pet Tech, the largest source of Pet First Aid and CPR training globally, Wagtopia offers Pet First Aid and CPR training to the public. Whether you are seeking ways to become a better pet parent, run a safer doggie daycare, or expand the knowledge of your shelter's staff, these classes are designed to do just that and more. These classes allow students to participate both verbally and physically with hands on training in order to help guide them through those unpredictable situations. Some of the topics that will be covered in our classes are:

- CPR for dogs and cats
- Transporting an injured animal
- Basic First Aid such as:
- How to control bleeding
- How to avoid, as well as treat, Heat Stroke
- How to make splints
- How to handle allergic reactions
- The proper steps to take following the consumption of a “poison”
- Dental Hygiene and proper care
Students who participate in the 5+ hour class are not only guaranteed to gain useful knowledge that can be carried to the outside world, but too will receive a 40-page handbook covering information gone over in the class accompanied by a Certification of Completion and a Wallet Card which will be valid for 2 years.
Pricing and Group Rates
Individual Classes (Popular with Pet Parents, Dog Trainers, and Pet Sitters)
- $165 per person
Group Rates (Popular with Doggie Day Facilities, Kennels and Animal Hospitals)
- Class size 2 – 6: $145 per person
- Class size 7 – 10: $125 per person
o Always remember that any first aid administered to your pet should be followed by immediate veterinary care. CPR and First Aid Care is not a substitute for Veterinary Care, however it may indeed save your pet's life during a time of emergency.